Anarchy Group (아나키 모임), South Korea

The Anarchy Group includes members with various interests active in and around South Korea. It meets regularly in Seoul as a space for members to share what they have been thinking about and doing. The group has done a number of projects together, starting from translating into Korean and distributing crimethinc’s To Change Everything (2015), organizing the “Anarchy Film Festival” (아나키 영화제) (Sunhwadong 2015, Takeout Drawing 2016), holding the “Little Black Books in My Bookshelf” (내 책장의 작고 검은 책) Anarchist Book Sharing at Kongyuji (2019), hosting the “Anarchy Summer” (아나키의 여름) talk events with contemporary anarchists Oksusu, Joyakgol, Takcheong Lane Collective, and Kim Miryeong at Redbooks bookstore (2019, 2020), and producing the Black Book Assembly Newsletter South Korea Edition: Little Black Book (2020).

Little Black Book (작고 검은 책 소식지)

Little Black Book Club (작고 검은 책 모임), (아나키 모임)

Little Black Book (작고 검은 책 소식지) is a newsletter put together by the Little Black Book Club (작고 검은 책 모임), part of the Anarchy Group (아나키 모임), based in South Korea. The Anarchy Group includes members with various interests active in and around South Korea. It meets regularly in Seoul as a space for members to share what they have been thinking about and doing. The group has done a number of projects together, starting from translating into Korean and distributing crimethinc’s To Change Everything (2015), organizing the “Anarchy Film Festival” (아나키 영화제) (Sunhwadong 2015, Takeout Drawing 2016), holding the “Little Black Books in My Bookshelf” (내 책장의 작고 검은 책) Anarchist Book Sharing at Kongyuji (2019), and hosting the “Anarchy Summer” (아나키의 여름) talk events with contemporary anarchists Oksusu, Joyakgol, Takcheong Lane Collective, and Kim Miryeong at Redbooks bookstore (2019, 2020). Members of the Anarchy Group participated in Hong Kong’s Black Book Assembly (2019), and were inspired by the diverse Asia-based but transnational energies brought together in the BBA’s More-Than-Half-A-Year-in-Review newsletter (2020). This year, we wanted to do a project that would keep us coming together without risking regular meetings in person, due to COVID-19. We decided to make a South Korean edition of the BBA newsletter that reflects the smaller character of the Little Black Book Club, along with the South Korea-based but transnational network of the broader Anarchy Group, and that is what we introduce to you here, called Black Book Assembly Newsletter South Korea Edition: Little Black Book. Little Black Book includes short news pieces and longer essays and texts from Anarchy Group members, from comrades active in and connected to South Korea, and from comrades connected to East Asia more broadly (Hong Kong, Quebec, Melbourne, Singapore). As of September 20, 2020, we are still putting together the final full version of the newsletter, so this version is in-progress. This version was created for the NYC Virtual Anarchist Book Fair, and so highlights English-language content more. We submit this version together with the first edition of the newsletter, created by our comrades and collaborators in Hong Kong, the Black Book Assembly More-Than-Half-A-Year-in-Review (2020). Feel free to contact us at

Anarchy Summer (2020)

아나키의 여름은 아나키즘을 기반으로 하는 여러 이야기를 나누는 자리로 2001년에 아나클랜(korea anarchist network)에서 만난 사람들이 모여 처음 시작했습니다.
다양한 관점과 생각, 각자의 활동을 공유하고 토론하는 시간을 가졌습니다.

2020년 아나키의 여름은 “매일매일 아나키즘” 이라는 주제로 열립니다.
일상에서 나타나는 아나키즘의 다양한 모습과 이야기를 나누는 자리를 갖고자 합니다.

2020아나키의 여름은 여름부터 가을까지 비정기적으로 열릴예정입니다.

첫번째 자리에서는
김미령님의 삶에 대한 이야기를 듣고 대화를 이어갈 예정입니다.
“아나키스트의 딸인 자연 김미령은 국경이 무너지는 곳에서 정치사회문화종교적 난민들과 함께 살아온 사람이다. 그녀는 성매매현장에 있던 여성들, 정신장애나 지적장애가 있는 사람들, 그리고 어린 아이들과 공동체를 일궈왔다. 국가와 가부장제에 항상 의문을 던지면서 생존자들을 위한, 생존자들에 의한 자유로운 연대를 직접 실천하는 삶을 꿈꾼다.”

일시 : 7월 18일 토요일 오후2시~4시
장소 : 레드북스 (서울시 종로구 교남동 25번지, 2층)

Little Black Books in My Bookshelf (2019)

아나키즘 교류모임:내책장속의 작고 검은책
Little Black Books in My Bookshelf: Anarchism Reading Share 
– 아나키모임이 열립니다. 열린모임입니다. /This is an open meeting.
– 모임의 목적은 교류와 이야기 나누기 입니다/The purpose is to meet, read, share readings, and exchange ideas.
– 각자에게 의미있는 책이나 글에서 짧은 문단을 골라서, 읽고 이에대한 이야기를 나누는 형식으로 진행합니다.
   /What we would like to do is have everybody bring and share a short excerpt from a book or article that you are currently reading. Let’s read each one together and talk about it.

Anarchy Summer (2019)

Anarchy Summer was an event where people who met through the Korea Anarchist Network (Anarcian) organized various conversations and workshops about anarchism. Anarchy Summer was time for people to share and discuss their diverse perspectives and activities.
After an eight-year hiatus, this year, in 2019, we organized Anarchy Summer once again to open a meeting space for people who are each doing activism from their different positions.